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The Home Schoolers
The Floure of the Ten Commandments of God 1510 1st Edition

The FLOURE of the COMAUNDEMENTS of GOD with many examples and auctorytes extracte as wel of the holy scryptures as of other doctours and good auncyent fadres, latelt translated out of Frencsshe into Englysshe [by andrew Chertsey] Printed by Wynkyn de Worde 1510.


This work had appeared in three 15th-century French editions before Chertsey's translation into English. Although little is known of Chertsey, he was an active translator of devotional texts for Wynkyn de Worde, William Caxton's successor. As he states in his preface, he undertook the translation of the Floure of the Commaundements 'Entendynge therby no sylver for to wyn Ne yet none other temporall gayne But welth of soules, escapynge the engyn of ye devyl of hel, his snares, and his chayne'. Book a Visit

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